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Films of Merchant Ivory (Newly Updated Edition)
By Robert Emmet Long
268 illustrations, including 101 plates in
full color
Hardcover - 272 pages (September 1997)
Harry N Abrams; ISBN: 0810936186 ; Dimensions
(in inches): 1.16 x 11.62 x 9.27
Merchant Ivory is actually a collaboration
of three remarkable people from three vastly different cultures:
Ismail Merchant, the producer, born in India; Ruth Prawer Jhabvala,
the screenwriter, born in Germany and educated in England; and James
Ivory, the director, born in the United States. The Films of Merchant
Ivory: Newly Updated Edition relates the tale of this singular thirty-five-year
collaboration and includes informative biographies of Merchant,
Jhabvala, and Ivory, and synopses and analyses of each of their
movies. The Merchant Ivory web site is based on this book.